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Denver Bites

Denver, CO:


Deplane, Check-in, Look for food - exact order of events! We found this place on a stroll after we dropped off our bags. I was seriously confusing it with another place that I am familiar with and looked all over their menu for the famed chicken and waffles BUT after a quick google search, I found that this was not the same place however the food was spectacular!! So, we took a little while to decide because honestly our waiter sold us on several items so based on the mood (gloomy and cloudy outside) and the time, we opted for a lunch dish and a breakfast dish. I am really not a huge breakfast eater. Coffee tends to suit me just fine until lunch but if I ever cross paths with Yard again, I am definitely getting the pancake + fried chicken that Thomas had. Yummy!! My food, the Jambalaya was actually very good but once I tasted his chicken, it was the perfect mix of sweet + spicy and I can't wait to try it. Needless to say, plates were cleaned!

So Houston's in Atlanta is one of our favorite places to dine. We love the Hawaiian Steak and also the Spinach & Artichoke dip. When we were planning the trip, I just thought for giggles, let's see if there is one in Denver. Well no Houston's per se but there was Hillstone. Denver's version of Atlanta's Houston's because they are apart of the same family. The menu was exactly what we were looking for. We started with the usual dip and he had the Hawaiian steak and because it was so early in the day, I opted for the Salmon. Both were superb!

So I am not that big on hotel restaurants but this one was an exception because the food here was really good. We ate here twice. The first night honey had a burger + fries and I opted for - you guessed it - their charcuterie board! It was seriously so good and really inexpensive. I got the board below for $10. And it was so good, I had it twice on the trip!

Yet another stumble of something so fantastic, that it deserves it's very own post - Larimer Records Cafe. I am introducing the place in this blog because the cocktails here were seriously all that! You guys know me. When it comes to cocktails, I like what I like but I can be a bit of a risk taker. So I tried a few new items in which I dish on in a separate blog. If I had a rating scale, which I should probably introduce, on a scale of 1-5, this place is a solid 10. We stopped in for what was going to be a quick peruse through and ended up staying for hours.


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