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Exploring the Beauty of Sint Maarten

Sint Maarten/Saint Martin:


The first vacation of the year took us to the beautiful island of Sint Maarten. The week was filled with a plethora of fun, family and exploration. We will start off with travels - CLT--->SXM. We had non-stop flights from Charlotte to Sint Maarten & our return flight had a layover in MIA. It wasn't much of a layover because by time we got through customs (yeah global entry is on the list of things to do), picked up our luggage to be rechecked, and back through security again, we had literally had 10 mins to make our gate.

Some things to note: the US Department of State shows that alongside a passport, you need a completed Embarkation and Disembarkation Card, as well as proof of accommodations and proof of sufficient funds to cover expenses during your stay. We did not have to have the 3 last items listed. Entering through customs, we showed our passports and was asked where we were staying then we were in. Since our flight arrived at night (3 delays + 3 gate changes), there was not alot of traffic. Once arrived, we deplaned via stairs, headed to the shuttle for bag pick up. It was fairly quick. Since we were meeting family, we did not need to be concerned about transpiration so we were on our way fast.

We headed straight to dinner at Sale & Pepe. The views were amazing even at night. We actually ate here twice during the trip. It's at the marina and we were surrounded by huge yachts paired with the beautiful decor inside the restaurant. Tonight was the start of our celebrations!

After dinner, we headed to our room and had a gathering on the beach with cocktails + cigars. A perfect ending to a wild travel day.


Day1: Our first day, was spent on the beach and the views were amazing. Unobstructed views of the sea met us first thing in the morning. You would think I would make it there first but Thomas beat me outside. Go figure. This day was literally perfect. From our hotel, we could see the boats in the Heineken Regatta sailing race. Though we were not up close, having the sailboats just in view proved to be a beautiful sight to 'sea'!

Day 2: The second day, was spent at sea for a full 8 hours. We started off at 8 am and set sail. The goal was to sail the coast of the entire island however due to rough waters, we had to quickly turn around or else some minds would have been lost at sea! LOL! More on that later in another blog about the company that we sailed with! On boat was a continental breakfast, morning mimosas, and well... Hennessey - our other travel partner!

Day 3: Our third full day was another beach day. I was still basking in the sun and for hours at a time. No regrets. The best vacations for me are spent in the ocean and it's been over 2 years, so this trip was much needed.

Day 4: Our final day (excluding our travel day), was spent touring the island by car. Off to lunch and we were back to Sale e Pepe. Food was once again delish! A total vibe and if you ever decide to visit Sint Maarten, you have to stop through for lunch or dinner. It's right near the airport.

One surprise for me as we made our way on a full tour of the island was how mountainous it was and maneuvering around, often positioned you on one. Landscape is usually not on my list of things to research before vacation but after this one, I might consider that a focal point.

Like most islands I have visited the sites change from the high tourist areas but we wanted to see as much as we could. It was a wonderful experience.

If you are interested in seeing more of the island (non-tourist areas),

watch more videos here --> Saint Maarten Video Channel

We did not rent a car but instead family members were gracious enough to drive us around for the entire day. GRATEFUL! HOWEVER!!! I usually never say never but being trapped in the backseat of a Q5 with some guy named Thelonious and some other guy named Chauncey is something I will NEVER repeat. The whole situation made for one heck of a ride but I would rather walk until my feet fall off.

We concluded the evening at a Cigar Bar which (I will detail in another post - it was so good) in the Philipsburg Marketplace. Consider this to be where you go for shopping, dining, and bar visits. This is also where the Court House was so think of this as sort of 'town center' and if you are on a cruise, this is likely where you would end up.

After this, we were finished with the day and totally beat. It was time to end the day with a small dinner and prepare to pack for our return to the states.

Best vacation EVER!!

Check out our other blog posts form Sint Maarten:

Watch our instagram reel ---> Sint Maarten Vibes

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